Adding Books to the Library Management System
The Library Management System is accessed via the Year Dashboard. This allows staff to add books, checkout book loans, manage loans and reviews of books. You can add staff to the Year Dashboard through the Administration Dashboard.
Open the Year Dashboard, select Library and Manage Catalogue:
This will allow you to begin to add books to the system. It is recommended you use a USB based Barcode Scanner to add books, which can be achieved by scanning the barcode. Alternatively, you can type in the ISBN number from the barcode manually.
Once you scan you will be presented with an overview of the book, similar to the below:
Within this screen you can edit key details, such as the title, author and description record. You can also set the number of copies that your school holds, which is used to calculate whether a book is available or not based on the number currently loaned. Press submit to commit the book into the system.
Enabling the Library Management System
The library systems needs to be enabled before it will be visible to students and allow you to loan out books. Once you have added your books, login to the Administrator Dashboard and select Site Wide Options. Search for the option called 'Library Enabled' and set this value to True.
Students Browsing Books
Once the Library Management System is enabled, students will be able to browse books via the Student Profile. Students should open the Student Profile, click Library and View Books:
Students can then browse books, searching for titles or authors as required. By clicking 'View Book Details' students can see whether the book is currently available for loan:
Loaning Out Books
Books can be loaned out to students by staff members through the Student Profile. The staff member running your library should open the Student Profile, selecting the relevant student in the top right hand corner. They should then too to Library and then Checkout Books in the menu:
Then, scan the barcode of the book the student wishes to loan. This will find the book in the system and allow you to set a return date. This will default to two weeks' time: